Islands Painting

Art - by Desmond - Islands - May 22 - 2019 cropped

AVAILABLE NOW. This painting will “open up any room,” now matter the room size. 91 inches wide, it does need at least that much wall.

I had thought that this painting was “blogged about” in the past year, but I cannot find any blog about it in the files, so, here it is now.

Too, What I did find was the post on the art website of artbydesmond [dot] com – [the dot reference is so the hyper link is not created here.]
This is what was said there ……
58 x 91 inches – Oil and Acrylics on canvas – November 2018.
Update: May 8, 2019.
[ [ This May 8 “update” was deleted ….. No reason was given. TJD ]]

Now, November 5 .. 2019
Over at the Etsy shop of Art by Desmond, is the latest listing of the “Islands” painting. This done in oils and oil based enamel on latex sized wide duck cotton canvas, 58 inches high x 92 inches wide. That is 8 feet wide. The price last year was $2,018.00. It is now $1,385.00.
A real deal !!!!!
The Direct link is: ….

Timothy J. Desmond
Black Opal Books Author Page at:
Amazon author page at:
Blog at:

Writing at:
Art at:

The Buzz Interview

As for the results of the “A BOOK AND A DONUT” signing event, sales were GREAT, and as good as the BOOK BARN event in July. But, I did more talking about the book to more visitors than at the Clovis Book Barn. The other plus was that the store wanted The Doc books to sell from the “point of sale” counter.

This “THE BUZZ Interview” BLOG that I wrote last week was meant to be posted BY ME that Thursday, afternoon, with a photo, video link or YouTube link of the interview. I never got it posted last week. As it turned out I did not get a video of it. I thought it was a better interview than the one done two days previous, but that was my wife’s impression of my answers. But here is what happened. After the Tuesday interview, I was offered the Thursday interview, and I opted for the “Full Media” package. This was their highest package. The original broadcast time is live and covers a large area of the valley and a huge “antenna receiver” audience. This on KAIL My 7.1, Comcast 13, Satellite 53, and AT&T U-verse 53. This was “live” at 10:00 am and the show reruns at 4:00 pm at the, which is the web streaming show.

I thought a disk was being provided because I had checked for that on the sign-up sheet on Tuesday. At the end of the Thursday interview, I was told I could have a disk of it, but that it was for another fee. I declined that and explained that I would have to sell fifty books to break even with full media package as it was. I also explained that I have no idea what the results would be in my sales, or the numbers who show up at the event pitched in the interview as A Book and a Donut for the coming Saturday.

But, I did save it, the interview, at the home TV on DVR, and too, it is going to take saving it on an old VCR tape and then converting that to digital. So, it could not be done for Thursday afternoon.

For a YouTube of the first interview with Mike Scott, here it is again. ..

Perhaps two interviews in one week were too many to blog about.

And on the cost, is this why authors are advised to not pay for ads?

If you have an answer or more questions, contact me.
Timothy J. Desmond
Amazon author page at:
The Doc page and Writing at:
Art at:
THE DOC revised
Available at:
Black Opal Books at:
Barnes & Noble:
All Romance:

THE DOC ~ Revised Edition
Copyright © 2014 by Tim Desmond
Cover Design by Jackson Cover Design
All cover art copyright © 2014
All Rights Reserved
Print ISBN: 978-1-626941-44-1
Blog A Book & Donut Nov 15 2014 at Postal Annex

Dieter – WW II story

Art - Cover for Dieter
Dieter, the World War II story, is not a novella, and not a short story, sorta in between. Available at Amazon author page for Timothy J. Desmond. Dieter published by Dry River Publications, an imprint of Fresno River Press. Tim’s Amazon author page is at:

Arts and Writers Tax Tips

This link was originally sent to me as a link already on the “writers” tab of the site. Here is the “Home” index page for a great site for artists and writers. For example, each tab has several PDF forms or Excel forms, for expenses to download. This is for your convenience and is also informative for those not knowing many tax details for artists and writers.
Timothy J. Desmond
Tim’s Amazon author page at:

Writer’s Self Promotion

Writer’s Self Promotion

The topic of promoting oneself brings to mind several aspects and related personalities of the past. There must be a huge ego thing with politicians for their self promotions which is not denied and which is a way of life for them. It could also be true for rock stars and others in the entertainment business. In the writing and publishing business, just look at the giants from the large presses and literature world. Where are the centers? They are: New York City, London, Sidney, Rome, Berlin, Hong Kong, and Paris.

How does one from Wichita make it? Or from Cape Girardeau, Missouri? Is Rush Limbaugh the exception? Maybe not. Samuel Clemens did stand up one man shows. I need to break this down for myself. Most of us are not thinking of ourselves as writers as “entertainers.” But, we are entertainers of some sort, as are graphic artists. As a brief example, I was in an art school class once. We all had to pin our work on the wall at the end of each session in order to critique and get critiqued. This was huge. The instructor was a French trained artist and at the beginning he explained the concept. Each student’s work was about 20×30 inches format, of pencil, oil pastel and turpentine media. At a glance of the 25 to 30 hanging all over one wall, one could see at a glance which work or works stood out from the others. This the instructor explained that way, “That one’s work must be different than others, that it must be treated in a style that stands out from the others.” Yet, for most of us, we are in “day jobs” and we are neither in the traditional entertainment business nor connected with media outlets. I’ll come back to this point later.

Are there two kinds of promoting? There is one kind for getting known in the publishing business world, and the other kind in the promotion of sales of one’s product.

In the first kind, sending to agents and editors is a given. The query letter is an art in itself. What I have learned is that the more editors and agents contacted, the better one gets. One simply must keep that up. It’s akin to making cold calls in sales. A writer must do that. Back in the early 1980’s I had a start up business of screen printing. I wasn’t interested in T-shirts, although I did them, but I wanted commercial business for printing adhesive decals for business. I enjoyed going to the businesses and pitching my service. I got shot down a lot. But I also got jobs from some. And that was a small industrial market. A writer has to do that too.

At a writer’s conference, I first learned about “platform.” At that time, four or five years ago, I was under the impression it was a nonfiction agent/editor thing. Platform, as I understand it, is defined as the quantity or number of your readers in your local area or region. This could be those who have bought your writing before, or who have followed your writing enough to be potential buyers in a larger market. This is what concerns editors and agents because it is a measure of your business potential. It is a business reality. Your platform could be your local circle of friends and acquaintances, or could range to your county or statewide readership.

In the second kind of promoting, that of sales and marketing a produced product, is not something a writer initially thinks about. When one actually has something in print, or an e-format product to promote is automatically assumed that the publisher will market one’s work. I suppose it is a boring thing for many creative people. After all, we didn’t start writing as business and marketing majors at university. However, that is where we should have taking courses as a secondary major or minor. Over the past few years it has become a revelation to me that certain recording artists were marketing majors. So, yes, I fall into that class of former students who ignored the business department at university. The one good thing is that most universities offer evening classes in marketing. Mostly because there was such a demand by working people to complete undergad and graduate course requirements for those working on MBA degrees. Huge trends in the 1980s were businesses seeking MBA grads.

I must admit to some embarrassment now. It was only two years ago that I was asked to write a “marketing plan” and received at least some help in seeing another writer’s example. I don’t know if it was a new thing or complete ignorance, being beyond naive, that I had not heard of this before that moment. In my defense, I had known of and created a “media packet.” A media packet is a part of the marketing plan. Just as one has to be creative in the original work, one has to be creative in writing the promotion copy for that work. Yes, you must do it all. Contact and schedule your radio, TV, online and print interviews. Write and schedule your own press releases. Plan these releases.

Schedule your own signing events. Yes, go to bookstores and get book signing event dates scheduled. My first signing event was in a small town “Books and Bagels” shop.  The second signing event was at “used book store.” Hilarious?

Approaching newspaper reviewers, in order to get a local review of your work into print, is a must. If any of this sounds like “not reaching out to the masses” remember that editors and agents still want “platform.” Yes, this means making more “cold calls.” It also means making different kinds of pitches. I don’t think there is enough room or time here to cover the different types of sales pitches. For radio, TV, print media, the approaches are different as one can imagine. And that is it. You must imagine something, some best way to pitch your work, beyond the “query pitch” that hooked your editor. If you are self-publishing, the same thing applies.

Getting interviews is not easy. But, they can be had. I’ve had an interview on the radio about a World War II novel on a “hometown heroes” program. The program format was interviews of aged veterans and their stories. I had a TV interview on a small VHF station during a talk show-movie format similar to “officer and a movie” with Lou Diamond Phillips. The interesting thing about doing those were getting some stats back about their audience, and any audience response.

All this while, you must be working on new projects.

So, in the end, the best “self promotion” is being an artist with your work. That art, your work, whether, short story, poem, novel, play, or screenplay must stand out from the others being shown at the time. You must be different, original and entertaining. If you are lucky the response you get is your critique. Many can’t take the critique. You must be able to take the critique, and keep working to get better, get different, get noticed.