Secesh 3 by Hank

Art - Blog photo - 1st national flag

Hank Houston says, “My crazy writer tells me that focusing on the history is a waste of time, that it’s all a politic thing now. That may be true, as Brian Kilmead’s current and recent Nat Geo series LEGENDS & LIES perpetuates the false history to the point that begs the question, what in the episodes are the LIES? Focusing on the major historical figures, the narrative jumps around in time from 1860 to 1865. Always the focus is on slavery, Southern inhumane evil, Southerners starting the war, on and on.
In current media, there is no mention of other causes of secession, and if mentioned it is stated that it is a fiction of the “lost cause” of post war apologist southerners who are trying to alter past history. But none of recent media pieces mention some fairly important history. Yes, Mr. Lincoln was elected in November of 1860. Buchanan was still US President until March 25, 1861 the date of Lincoln’s Inauguration. That was almost five months after the election. Yes, states began seceding in December 1861. Why was that? The answer is not in the “Legends & Lies” series. Always focused on Washington, it is never mentioned that secession really happened in state legislatures.
Much of the misunderstanding revolves around the issue of history and what is written as history. A good discussion of this is in Clyde N. Wilson’s book Defending Dixie, published by Foundation for American Education in 2006.

There is more ….
Thanks, Hank (aka The Doc)


Publisher: Black Opal Books (October 28, 2017)

ISBN-10: 162694783X
ISBN-13: 978-1626947832

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Books and Writing at:

Secesh #1

Tim at Gettysburg

In 2002, I came to all this late. The Civil War reenactors that I came to know took their roles seriously enough to research their history. This was true for both Union Federals and Confederate reeanctors. After the last battle reenactment of the day, artillery pieces were secured or relocated, cavalry mounts were cared for at their camp string lines, and infantry boiled water and cleaned their rifles.
Mess fires were lit and other duties or activities ensued before and after eating. These would be going shopping at sutler tents or getting ready for the period dance to 1860s music of string bands. Often there were later evening, relaxed sessions around the camp fire. And while sitting around the fire, I began to learn of the history that I was never taught. On not believing some point of history or story of reenactor discussion, on back home in the real life, I would go to the library and book store.
Several reenactors I met were secondary level history teachers and more than one reenactor were university history PhDs. As such, there could often be disagreement and arguments, much like in religious discussions.
Generally, there was agreement on the slavery issue as a cause of the war, and then acceptance of the secession of states that lead to hostilities. What was often not said, that slavery didn’t matter, that the states had every right to secede, no matter what the reason. One common agreement was tried to be explained in context. That was that each state, especially a state of an original colony, felt that they had a certain sovereignty that was not lost in joining the Union. And, that 1860s people in their state felt that their state was their country. They felt that they had won sovereignty from and during the winning their freedom from England during the revolution. It was then that I realized that we, current USA citizens, have no idea how those citizens felt in their time.
The other thing was, that Senator Jefferson Davis argued in the Senate for keeping the Union, the day after his state of Mississippi seceded.
Enough for now. Next the beginnings of what was learned around the fires.


Exxon & California

Two favorite topics are rolled up in this Forbes article that I find remarkable: Exxon Mobil and suing California. And there is more. Exxon is suing cities and State Attorney Generals in other states. Fascinating. As an author friend once told me, “What took you so long?” But that’s another story.
The other mix in all this is the climate change causes issue, and of course Exxon is the devil incarnate to the “true believers” of that religion. The article is by John O’Brien, the editor of Legal Newsline and the Pennsylvania Record.

It is found here:
Enjoy and Happy New Year.
Timothy J. Desmond
Amazon author page at:
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Art at:

4th Book Holiday Release

California doctor Henry “Hank” Houston thought the ugly past was behind him, but he and his wife Jennifer are soon pulled right back into turmoil and danger. He becomes focused as never before after Jennifer is abducted by agents of what the media refers to as the “deep state.” Shifting through layers of federal security forces and secret biochemical laboratories, searching for Jennifer, Hank worries about what she is going through. He knows exactly what the federal contractors and workers in hidden agencies are capable of—with his memories of illegal detainment and chemical torture. With people disappearing every day, including agency workers like his once old friend Doctor Terry Graff, Hank’s deepest concern is that what he has learned is all too true…

The major buy links are also included below.


Product details
Publisher: Black Opal Books (October 28, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 162694783X
ISBN-13: 978-1626947832
Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.8 x 8 inches

Timothy J. Desmond
Amazon author page at:
Books and Writing at:
Art at:

Delete Doc released

For you fans of medical doctor, private pilot, straight shooter, and civil war reenactor a new problem arises.

California doctor Henry “Hank” Houston thought the ugly past was behind him, but he and his wife Jennifer are soon pulled right back into turmoil and danger. He becomes focused as never before after Jennifer is abducted by agents of what the media refers to as the “deep state.” Shifting through layers of federal security forces and secret biochemical laboratories, searching for Jennifer, Hank worries about what she is going through. He knows exactly what the federal contractors and workers in hidden agencies are capable of—with his memories of illegal detainment and chemical torture. With people disappearing every day, including agency workers like his once old friend Doctor Terry Graff, Hank’s deepest concern is that what he has learned is all too true…

This book is available everywhere: Black Opal Books – -, Barnes & Noble, Nook, Amazon, Kobo, Kindle, All Romance, PDF.

Product details

Publisher: Black Opal Books (October 28, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 162694783X
ISBN-13: 978-1626947832
Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.8 x 8 inches


Timothy J. Desmond
Amazon author page at:
Books and Writing at:
Art at:

Desmond @ Barnes & Noble – August 13

Nine day notice. I’ll be book signing at Barnes & Noble in Fresno on Sunday, August 13 at noon.

Mainly for “Pappy Butler & His Zero Time Theory,” but I understand that copies of “The Doc” will be there too.

This is either a midway event of the 2017 summer book tour or – as said last week – an early start for the fall tour. I may talk a bit about the books, as they are setting up some chairs in the music/CD area. It is only …. NINE days away from the SIGNING at BARNES & NOBLE – FRESNO, on Blackstone and Nees, by the B of A and Elephant bar..



Timothy J. Desmond
Black Opal Books Author Page at:
Amazon author page at:
Blog at:

Writing at:
Art at:

Writing Craft Question

I came across this blog article and just had to give it a boost and share it with you here as well as on Facebook and Twitter.

By DM O’Byrne ……….. it is here: …….

It speaks for itself.

Timothy J. Desmond
Amazon author page at:
Books and Writing at:
Art at:

Talk & Signing – Library Venue

This is either a midway event of the 2017 summer book tour or an early start for the fall tour. It is only …. one week away from the BOOK TALK AND SIGNING at Woodward Park Branch of Fresno County Library.

While the flyer has only THE DOC book cover, [[ as the sequel to that book is due out this October ]], I will have the Pappy Butler & his Zero Time Theory book there as well. I will be talking about it all. So Mark your calendars for Wednesday July 26 – 7:00 PM.

Flyer from Fresno County library below …….

When a dying friend and fellow Civil War reenactor asks physician Hank Houston to find his daughter’s killer, the last thing he expected to uncover was a U.S. murder squad being run by Homeland Security, and this black ops unit is determined not to be exposed!
As Hank gets closer to the truth, he discovers just how far they will go to hide all their dirty little secrets.
Local author Tim Desmond discusses this book and his newest book Pappy Butler & His Zero Time Theory!

July 26
Woodward Park Regional Library
944 E. Perrin |

Hope to see you there.
Timothy J. Desmond
Amazon author page at:
Books and Writing at:
Art at:

Kindle Version Giveaway – Pappy Butler novel

Last March I did a print version Amazon giveaway of Pappy Butler & His Zero Time Theory. That was done on and as a “email friend only” offer. In an effort to reach out to the ebook and Kindle readers, this new giveaway is now “LIVE.” This is going out here on WordPress blog and to both Facebook and Twitter.

The link is:

See this #AmazonGiveaway for a chance to win: Pappy Butler & His Zero Time Theory (Kindle Edition).

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Ends the earlier of May 20, 2017 11:59 PM PDT, or when all prizes are claimed. See Official Rules

Timothy J. Desmond
Amazon author page at:
Books and Writing at:
Art at:

California Confederate Flag Law Settlement


It seems a long time since the painting was finished two years ago first shown at the Sorenson Studios & Gallery’s 2015 Black & White show. It was shown there for all of May 2015. For the October 2015 Big Fresno Fair Art exhibit, it was not allowed. That prompted advice from a friend to contact CIR – Center for Individual Rights.
Yesterday, May 2, the settlement and stipulation was finalized with the attorneys at California Department of Justice. Below is the KCRE 3 Sacramento Facebook posting based on the AP release about the case.
AP had requested a photo of the painting from me for their release. There may be another piece released about this.
Here is that May 2 posting below …..

May 2, 2017
“SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) —
California’s ban on displaying the Confederate flag doesn’t apply to individuals even if they are on government property, state officials said this week in settling a free speech lawsuit.

Fresno artist Timothy Desmond sued after his painting depicting the flag was barred from the 2015 Big Fresno Fair. His painting shows Confederate soldiers fighting in the 1864 siege of Atlanta, led by a soldier carrying the battle flag.

California’s 2014 law says the state cannot display or sell the Battle Flag of the Confederacy or any similar image unless it appears in a way that serves an educational or historical purpose. Fair officials used that law to ban Desmond’s painting a year later, but they let him display the painting during the 2016 fair.

The settlement signed by the state attorney general’s office on Monday says that the ban applies only to the state government and not to private individuals. Individuals are still free to carry, display or sell the flag on private or government property.

“The First Amendment is clear: the state may not ban the expression of certain points of view simply because some find them distasteful,” Center for Individual Rights President Terry Pell said in a statement Tuesday. “Freedom of speech has costs, whether in the form of hurt feelings of those who are forced to listen or the cost of police necessary to protect against the riots that sometimes result.”

The nonprofit Washington, D.C.-based center represented Desmond in the lawsuit.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s office referred requests for comment to the state Department of Food and Agriculture, where the media office was not accepting messages after business hours.

Desmond himself wasn’t commenting on the lawsuit or the settlement, a spokeswoman for the center said. The center’s website describes him as a retired high school science teacher who regularly entered his paintings in local art fairs.

It says his relatives fought for the South during the Civil War, so he became interested in their lives and the battles in which they might have fought. He found that his great-grandfather’s brother may have fought in the battle for Atlanta.”


Timothy J. Desmond
Amazon author page at:
Books and Writing at:
Art at: