Exxon & California

Two favorite topics are rolled up in this Forbes article that I find remarkable: Exxon Mobil and suing California. And there is more. Exxon is suing cities and State Attorney Generals in other states. Fascinating. As an author friend once told me, “What took you so long?” But that’s another story.
The other mix in all this is the climate change causes issue, and of course Exxon is the devil incarnate to the “true believers” of that religion. The article is by John O’Brien, the editor of Legal Newsline and the Pennsylvania Record.

It is found here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/legalnewsline/2018/01/08/exxon-prepares-to-sue-california-cities-say-they-contradict-themselves-on-climate-change/#177f8989522a
Enjoy and Happy New Year.
Timothy J. Desmond
Amazon author page at: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00694KQQO
Books and Writing at: http://timothydesmond.wordpress.com
Art at: http://artbydesmond.wordpress.com

Sun On Our Face

Coco and me – February 2017

Sun on our face, the wind at our back …… on our walk this morning.


Timothy J. Desmond
Amazon author page at: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00694KQQO
Books and Writing at: http://timothydesmond.wordpress.com
Art at: http://artbydesmond.wordpress.com

SAFE, hah!

Jandy Relay Board - Jandy 3652

I don’t think any of us are safe, in this digital age. I mean, I’m sick of all the scare ads, for home security alarms, “lifelock” and others, Can Lifelock be hacked? Probably. And they say protect your social security number. Why? If it, your number is stolen, Social Security won’t give you a new number like a credit card. I’ve been hacked on Facebook, email, and once at our bank from a check we wrote a grocery store. I lost my wallet last year. It’s my own fault. I was in a rush. Pretty sure it was never picked up from where I last had it, at Savemart parking lot. I think it was dropped from my vehicle on HWY 99 between Fresno and Visalia. It had my Medicare cards. The Social Security number IS your medicare number. I canceled all gas cards, bank accounts, and one credit card. It was a mess. But there was nothing to do about the Medicare card.
So, as I thought about it, That number is on all my medical stuff, at several doctors offices, hospital medical records, medical lab locations. Are all the medical employees bonded hires? If any medical worker, office staff, is in financial trouble, can they sell social security numbers that have come across their desks? Plus, there is the HIPPA laws that insured medical privacy, but now, because of the Affordable Healthcare Act, that information has to be sent to the government. Government data bases have been hacked. You have no electronic privacy.
There’s more. Later.

Timothy J. Desmond
Amazon author page at: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00694KQQO
Writing at: http://timothydesmond.wordpress.com
Art at: http://artbydesmond.wordpress.com

Keyword Advice Number 2

Photo - Blog - meta-description

Perhaps this is all common knowledge in the blog-a-sphere, but from my point of view as a self taught, blogger, webmaster, author-media-marketer, I found it, as I said “fascinating.” If that’s a little nerdy, all right. I have my own techy problems as a non-techy.
On the discussion of meta tags and “key words” I came across the five year old, 2009, Google Webmaster Central site that apparently is still up-to-date. The main point is that Google does not use the keywords meta tags in web ranking. Explained is what Google does use, which is more of the page content words and the website description words. This was done in order to correct the meta tag abuse of people using meta tag words that had nothing to do with their page content.
The SEO [search engine optimization ] things are discussed with several of the comments and replies.
It is a short four question Q & A with one video link and a screenshot snippet link. There are two more links there and the 335 comments must go back five years. My comment was the most recent, with others that show immediately are various during the past year.


If this is of any help to you writers, authors, or other bloggers, drop me a note. Now, here is the question. Does this mean the pervious concern about “negative keywords” is a moot point at best?

Timothy J. Desmond

Blog at: https://timdesmondblog.wordpress.com
Book Page at: http://timothydesmond.wordpress.com
Amazon author page at: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00694KQQO
Art at: http://artbydesmond.wordpress.com

Branches Books – Oakhurst

Art - for Branches Books blog

It’s with pleasure that I’ll be signing books at the Oakhurst “Junction Plaza” shop of Branches Books and Gifts. I believe all book stores need a boost. Anything I can do to help promote these business places, by reaching out to readers, followers, and friends seems an important thing. I know that one cannot always give a gift of books, because sometimes it is such a personal thing – to know what another enjoys reading.
Here’s a question. Do you find book shops romantic? Like the one in the movie Notting Hill? When I was last in London I never went to that neighborhood, but was near there several times at Paddington Station, Holland Park, and Kensington High Street. But, I’ve been in several bookstores like that. One was in Berkeley, south of Bancroft and west of College Avenue, on a corner, across from the Forum coffee house. Another was on Piedmont in Oakland. Another was in Clovis, Yes, the Book Barn.
Anyway, I’ll be at the Branches Books this Wednesday, August 13, at 5:30.
Anne Driscoll is the owner and the website is:


Junction Plaza Center
Phone: 559-641-2019
40282 Highway 41, Suite 14, Oakhurst CA 93644

See if you think this shop is as romantic as Notting Hill.

Timothy J. Desmond

Blog at: https://timdesmondblog.wordpress.com
Book Page at: http://timothydesmond.wordpress.com
Amazon author page at: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00694KQQO
Art at: http://artbydesmond.wordpress.com

New Story

A new story will be up soon on Kindle Direct at Amazon. More on THE MINE when it is up and there in a few hours. The publisher is Dry River Press an imprint of Fresno River Publications. There are only e-versions from this press a the time. The other titles on the author page are: DIETER, a WW II story and set in Germany, Galveston, Texas and the European Theater of the war, and SWIM THE RED RIVER, also set in Texas is about an old cowboy having surgery makes a new friend of hospital CNA.
Timothy J. Desmond
Amazon author page at: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00694KQQO
Writing at: http://timothydesmond.wordpress.com
Art at: http://artbydesmond.wordpress.com



This is a topic which brings up a memory of a distant college course I was in 1973. I as a zoology major and one of the required upper division/major courses was Human Ecology. The big issues for the previous early 70s years in biology and spilled out to the media was Stanford’s professor Erlich’s population control book ZPG – Zero Population Growth. This title wasn’t our text, but our text for the course was heavy with the same rational. One section gave a history – curiously from Africa – about the cultures that practiced infanticide as a method of their population control.

Read Janette Raleigh’s WordPress blog Legislating Morality – Infantacide

at : http://jeanetteraleigh.wordpress.com/2012/08/20/legislating-morality-infantacide/#respond

Yes. During the lecture on this topic, the young, first year professor lost control of this class discussion, to some degree, as many in the class questioned this along many avenues from morality to legality. I understood that he, the prof, was presenting the concept as an adjunct of the text, but the students speaking up were vocal in rejecting the premise. I thought he had done all right in stating that it wasn’t his personal belief, but he soon left the room. When he did not return, the college president came in to address us about our poor treatment of the instructor. It was a memorable experience seeing that session unfold.

Your question also about “what’s next, the elderly…” is exactly where Nazi Germany took things in the 1930’s with their “medical solution” of euthanizing those infirmed and feeble minded. [The Nazi Doctors by Robert Jay Lifton]. This was legal there and before the war and before the camps and the final solution.

For the life of me I do not see why more people do not see the “population control” mentality as anti-life as a concept. This is exactly what is flawed about the carbon dioxide, CO2, emission restrictions. CO2 is a product of the living, and a need of plants like we need oxygen. The “carbon footprint” concept and people that push that are anti-life. I wrote that to our local paper four years ago. While the letter was printed it had no responses. Main stream media accepts the “carbon problem” as do many legislators. Prince Charles worried aloud about taking the commercial jet to the “states” instead of the Royal jet in order to “reduce the carbon foot print.” I think they are all mad. Can one vote madness out of office? I hope so.

Timothy J. Desmond
THE DOC, ebook conspiracy thriller novel at
SWIM THE RED RIVER short story at


Tim’s Amazon author page at: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00694KQQO

Conspiracy continued 2

Bilderberg Group.

On commenting to a blogger friend on this group, it is a good place to continue on the conspiracy discussion. BIlderberg Group meets secretly once a year in order to discuss how to influence or change the world? Since 1954?

Last Monday Mark Davis sitting in for Rush had a caller mention the Bilderberg group and the caller was then immediately disconnected, by Mark with the comment that he does not discuss that. And, in the past, a few years back, Rush had a caller that was expounding on all the Bilderberg connections and supposed control secrecy, and Rush would throw into the conversation one of the other connections, maybe like CFR, and the caller went with it. Rush was facetious the entire time, but letting the fellow talk, yet clearly in the end treating the caller like a kook. So,  I thought it was interesting on two levels: one, Rush was up on all this conspiracy angle as well as Mark Davis; two, neither of them believe any of it, or if they do, do not want have the EIB show reflecting any kookiness of condoning any particular conspiracy. What do you think?

Timothy J. Desmond
THE DOC, ebook conspiracy thriller novel at

Conspiracy [again]


I probably have not really known or appreciated how many theories there are. I feel rather humble, on further research, on my not realizing just how much has been written on this topic. To be sure, one theory or another has been the basis of more than one of my short stories, and in a general way, the premise of THE DOC novel. I think everyone can come up with at least one movie and book about one theory. And that brings us to an important consideration. That is that a conspiracy, any conspiracy, whether theory or true, is a wholly entertaining and natural mystery. To me the operative word is “entertaining.”

In movies, the ones which come to mind are JFK, Conspiracy Theory, National Treasure.

The books are innumerable both in non-fiction and fiction. Then there are the writers and authors who are also writing on this same topic in broader terms. I recently read one such article, which entertained a brief explanation why people believe certain theories. In this an example of early 1950s UFOs and the Roswell phenomena were discussed. The writer suggested that it evolved into a mass hysteria with some folks, who were willing to believe that the late 1940s government explanations were false. All of this becomes confused or the notions compounded by the differences in conspiracies being either theory or true. This choice brings us to the crux of the matter. Some theories I found that I had never heard of.  Others are ones we all have some idea about. But deciding which is theory and which is true may be where there is that personal opinion which is unique to each of us. If I continue this in a series of sorts, we could cover what some consider some of the least known conspiracies. These would be whether theory or true notwithstanding. More later.

The Doc novel is available in the Kindle store at http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=timothy+j+desmond&rh=n%3A133140011%2Ck%3Atimothy+j+desmond&ajr=0

Also at:


My advice? Build Keystone pipeline. Also, drill now. Everywhere. California too. This includes offshore in California and Bakersfield fields. This is not just for us. We need to supply Europe too. Europe is going to be in a squeeze also …….. just like us if we don’t start producing more oil. Planes, ships and tanks and trucks need oil. You can’t grow enough ethanol crops to create diesel and kerosene [JP fuel].